Wednesday, July 13, 2011


When Barack Obama campaigned for POTUS; the radical views of his spouse were not deemed relevant.
When Michelle Bachman campaigns for POTUS; the radical views of her spouse are controlling.

When Barack Obama campaigned for POTUS; his religious extremism was a non-issue. 
When Michelle Bachman campaigns for POTUS; she is defined as a religious extremist.

Extremism is extremism regardless as to the message or the messenger.

No presidential candidate has universally accepted views. However, when the media's subjective whims are determinant as to which views are destructive and extreme and which are not; their blatant partiality not only quashes journalistic integrity, but more importantly the effective 1st Amendment rights of their reader/viewership is also undermined. 

The politically correct media moguls now represent the de facto rule of law in the United States of America...................the U.S. Constitution and those that died defending her be damned.

Edward R. Murrow ought to be the benchmark for journalists rather than the anomaly.